What Is Love?

I see love as a continuum. From the sacred to the mundane. For the purpose of the Walking in Love Installation all views are welcome and invited. This site happens to be a place where I blog from my particular viewpoint and sensibilities. You need not understand, accept or agree with how I describe myself.

The Walking In Love Installation project is a group endeavor. However you see, feel, experience love is how your art piece can be executed and expressed. The fact that we vary wildly about the definitions of love is what will make this project spectacular! Your viewpoint and comments are welcome for submission to this blogspot.

It is important that consideration be given to working on your piece as you hold the feeling/concept of love.

Who can participate?

This installation began in the beautiful community of quilters. Because of the nature of the work many who are not quilters or fiber artists have been drawn to either create in fiber or to use other 'white' mediums to participate.  If you can make a panel 1 foot by 8 feet then you can create a panel for this installation. Probably the only consideration would be final weight and mounting to our structure, in which case you MUST contact the curator to confirm attachment details. But otherwise this project is open to artists in all mediums that will produce a final product made in white. For example and not limited to: yarn, wire, wood, beads, painted canvas, mixed media, ceramics.

At this point in time this is primarily a fiber/quilt piece.

A very important part of participating is your commitment to work on your piece as you hold the concept/feeling of love while you work. The impact of this has been felt from viewers at the first showing at the Highland Gallery in Weaverville and the second showing in Hyampom, California.

A blind man entered the installation and reporting feeling peace.

A 90 year old woman entered the spiral and said she could feel Now, her heart opening.

A business man found himself in tears without even knowing why.

Children look in awe and play in the labyrinth delighted to move into and out of art work.