Monday, May 2, 2011

Walking In Love Family Fun Day a Success!

I am thoroughly spent. I am spent in the very good work of putting on a fundraising event for the Walking In Love Installation. This event went so far beyond all I could imagine. The incredible good people who showed up in the dozens to help set up and prep for the party, the wonderful community who came to play petanque, jump around the deliciously fun cake walk, sunlit pastel ribbons flying in the fresh spring air of a May Pole dance, eating Patsy's fried chicken and spring salad greens, enjoying the happy music of James, Serena, Jacob and Sha'om all in the serenity of a lovely place...I am so very grateful for the beautiful connections and creative healthy play we participated in. I am pleased to say that we raised one tenth of the funding we need to travel the show to Sacred Threads. I call our event successful because it was rich and full and fun! Smile filled faces and generous people are sending this Walking In Love Installation to Sacred Threads. This is something to be very proud of. I am proud of all of us who are making this happen! Thank You!

If anyone is interested in budget the board of directors of Walking In Love Installation can make this info available by request. If anyone is interested in donating to our construction and shipping costs please look at the DONATE page to the right. Thank You!

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