Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Inevitable challenges to Walking In Love

Building the structure for the panels all the way across the country without the many people who helped to make it happen in Hyampom is much slower. Once again a big THANK YOU to all you Trinitarians who made the first full build happen. Some areas of the build continue to have challenging issues and yet Travis keeps his attitude good natured and reminds me to do the same. Frannie lets me know when I am forgetting our mission statement: 

The Walking In Love Installation Organization is dedicated to the collaborative creation and exhibition of art that introduces artists and the public to a creative and joyful process infused with love.

I do believe I was tested about how to be in that place yesterday. The reality of the time shortened by travel delays, building with fewer skilled people than I had hoped to have with us, all of it added up to a difficult day for me personally. I have to say that Travis and Frannie both know how to keep their cool and just keep on. 

And, I simply would not be accurate in describing what happened if I left out the wonderful help from Cindy Stevens who shuttled me around when I needed the few things I forgot to pack and jumped right in taking care of the many little things needing to be done. Thank you to Sohail and Victor who offered their muscles to Travis when we needed them. The Sacred Threads people, Lisa, Barbara, calmly went about constructing their labyrinth of poles and curtains for the art that has arrived from around the country.

Today is for finishing the build and hanging our panels. This promises to be a sumptuous show. 

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